Tuesday, January 16, 2007

AMBIENT ADDITION (cool music gadget)

sumthing from City of Sound blog

Spaces speak, as do cities, Buddha Machines, films
A quick portmanteau post which certainly approaches the title of this site. First up, via
Russell and others, Ambient Addition:

"Ambient Addition is a Walkman with binaural microphones. A tiny Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chip analyzes the microphone's sound and superimposes a layer of harmony and rhythm on top of the listener's world. In the new context, some surprising behaviors take place. Listeners tend to play with objects around them, sing to themselves, and wander toward tempting sound sources. With Ambient Addition, I'm hoping to make people think twice about the sounds they initiate as well as loosen up some inhibitions."
Watch the video and you'll get the picture, as it were. It's a quite lovely effect, taking as input the ambient sound surrounding you and then processing that into something more 'musical'. I'm not sure about this aural enhancing of the city's noise; any more than a visual enhancing. Yet it's probably better than isolating oneself with an iPod.

this is a gadget can look up the vid in http://web.media.mit.edu/~nvawter/thesis/index.html

this is fucking cool.


HO-bo said...

this is some rad shit man, but i cant hear it, ITS RAD PPL ......... RAD!!!!!RADDDDEE!!!

jeng abitt said...

where to buy. i want. probably expensive though. i sell my 2 goats then can buy what.